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Windsor Road - Hailsham

One hundred years of history
1902 to 2002



If you would like to contribute to this site by adding additional information on either the history of Windsor Road or the previous occupants of the houses please e mail me at

Or you can write to me:-

Ellen Harris-Hodgson.
21 Windsor road,
East Sussex.
BN27 3HL


Further reading and references:

East Sussex Record Office. Population figures from census reports for the Parish of Hailsham. 1870 to 1961.

East Sussex Record Office. Guide to electoral registers.
C / C / 14 TO 75.

East Sussex Record Office. Hailsham Census Returns.
1871 to 1961.

Farebrother, G.E. (1986) Hailsham at War. 1939 to 1941. Hailsham History Group. Centre for Continuing Education. University of Sussex.

Russell, B.K. (1991) Around Hailsham. Britain in old photographs. Budding books Sutton publishing Ltd. Great Britain.

Salzman, L.F. (1901) The History of the Parish of Hailsham.