The Mass-Observation Clock  Writing for the Mass-Observation Project
Exploring Bob's writing: Purpose and Benefits
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"The biggest benefit I get from writing to the archive is to get it off my chest!" 
(Interview with Anna Green 11.02.00)
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"I think that the archive probably gives people a way of expressing their opinions when they have got no other outlets. I was fortunate
I was a member of the trade union for thirty years and a lay officer for 25 of them, so I had plenty of meetings and committees where I could make my voice heard and the same with membership of the labour party and being involved in local politics.  I didn't need it [the project] to make myself heard, but I can understand people not organisationally involved who would see it as a way of getting their humble opinion put into some concrete form where it might be taken notice of eventually.  Its true of me to some extent but not so much.  I  suppose it is becoming more so now because I've given up political involvement because I got disenchanted with local politics.  The trade unions went into a decline and I no longer work so I don't have anything to do with membership anymore so I think probably now, the archive is my outlet for my opinions.  I think that all writing is a therapy, its a way of unwinding, its a way of letting them buggers out there know that there are  people who still think and who still don't mind putting it down on paper and being counted.  I think that all writing is a great mental exercise, I always enjoyed it as a form of recreation."
(Interview with Anna Green 11.02.00)
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